
Understanding the Aging Brain - FREE Workshop

A dementia diagnosis can be a daunting reality. It is natural to focus on the current losses and become overwhelmed anticipating future losses. Thankfully, understanding brain change and learning how to support & approach people living with dementia can make all the difference. Exploring what we have discovered about brain change will help sustain feelings of normalcy when so much else is changing. Join Jen Haak as she presents on brain education, the basics of dementia, and care strategies for both the person living with dementia, and the care partners & families that have joined in on the journey.
About the presenter:
Jen Haak is a dementia specialist at Life Circles – PACE (Program for the All-inclusive Care of the Elderly) in Muskegon. She has both professional and personal life experiences with dementia that assist her in supporting others. She supports individuals living with dementia, care partners, and Life Circles staff. Jen is also a community resource for local and state police officers and first responders to help prepare them for supporting older adults in crisis.

Weather Cancellation Policy

During the week we align with the Reeths-Puffer school district for closings. If school is closed due to weather, then our weekday and weeknight programs will follow suit. It is rare for us to cancel a Sunday service due to weather. If in doubt, please check with WCSG radio (91.3), WZZM-TV, or WOOD-TV8. The radio and TV stations noted above will also post this information on their respective websites.